Knowing Jesus, the Way; Exploring the way; Living the Way
The followers of Jesus were known as People of the Way. They sought to know and follow Jesus and do the things he did and taught. Jesus lifted people through acts of justice, through healing, through deliver-
ence and service. Jesus created a new community of people who would be filled with the Holy Spirit and continue the work began in the New Testament. We believe that God is still at work today in the same ways that Jesus worked in the New Testament through the Holy Spirit in the lives of God's people. It begins when we encounter Jesus in a very personal way. We are invited to know Jesus and experience his love and forgiveness. We are invited to become a part of the Jesus band of followers and share in what he is doing today.
Our Mission
Wayfinders is about a people who are exploring and encountering the one who calls himself The Way and impacting this present world by living in The Way.
It is our mission to explore the way, live in the way and Know personally Jesus, who is The Way.

Marriage Ministry
WayFinder's offers marriage retreats and classes as well as premarital counseling and weddings. We base our ministry on the best availabe research about marriage and solidly in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We teach mutuality in relationships and the value of being other-centered as Jesus was.

Currently, WayFinder's is meeting as a home church. We meet every Saturday evening at 6:00 pm for potluck, worship, a time of hearing from God, a time of teaching and prayer.
We are becoming a people who would seek to know Jesus and follow in his paths through the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Our gatherings are unique in that we expect that God will speak. He speaks through worship, through the word of God, through his people in very loving and transformative ways.
It is God's desire that we should know him and be shaped by his love.
Latest News
Home Church meets every Sunday evening at 6 pm for potluck, worship, hearing from God, teaching and prayer.
Watch for upcoming marriage retreats.
This Week's Discussion

We have been working through the book of Exodus finding a great deal of meaning for following in the way of Jesus. We have contemplated how God feels about oppression and injustice as we see how fiercely he fights for his people. We have noted how Pharaoh put himself in the place of God and how his exploitation of God's people exacted serious consequences.
God's people can be enslaved by systems and rulers that seem to take God's place in our hearts and minds. But God is about renewing our minds and helping us live in the way of Jesus. A way that truly brings life to those who discover Jesus, the Way and seek to know him and follow him. We meeting weekly, Saturday evenings at 6 pm.